Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Triage is where the patients come after their parasite medication and then site with a team member to tell them what hurts and why they are here. This way the team member can direct them to the area that will be able to help them the most.
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Pictures of the lines that awaited us when we arrived on the first day.
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Setting up was hard work as we had empty classrooms and the furnature from the school to work with. Each section had their own spot. Pharmacy, Gynocology, the kitchen, triage and the place where the incoming patients are given medicine for parasites, , Dentistry, General medicne (2 rooms) the Lab, and Pediatrics. Each team went to their respective rooms and I followed with the camera. We were set up for th emost part and they let the first patients in within an hour.
The truck with the Soldiers Our police escort for the day
The soldiers unloading more supplies for us.
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Here we are heading out to the village on our first day. It was about 6:30 am when we left since the village was a two hour bus ride from where we were staying. It was hot and muggy already at that time, we were prepared but the heat in the village was intense.
This was one of the three armed soldiers from the Guatemalan Air Force that rode with us that morning. Each day we ride out with three soldiers on our bus and follow wither the truck with the rest of the soldiers or a police escort or both.
Here is Pablo our driver!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Padre (Father) Jose, director of the Obras Sociales Del Santo Hermano Pedro

Plaque thanking FIP for remodeling the Obras' Operating Rooms

Marla Hill

Kathy Conley

Barb Anderson

We made it!

Today is Saturday the 24th, and Team 253 has arrived! After some late and scattered arrivals we had a nice breakfast and headed off to Casa de Fe which would be FIP's version of the Ronald McDonald house and met with Bob Vela who is incharge of the villiage teams from down here in Guatemala. Next we went to Obras Sociales Hermano Pedro to take a tour of where the surgical team will be setting up shop next week. We had a nice lunch then split off to tour and get to know Antigua.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Hello everyone!

This is going to be the travel blog for the FIP team#253 going to Guatemala in April 2010. We will be doing out best to update this daily with a few photos and some stories for you, and when we get back we will work on getting more up.

Thank you for your care and support!